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Yoga Certification

Want to become a Certified Yoga Instructor?

If YES, then Join the Certificate Course in Yoga offered by Vivekananda Kendra and get certified from Vivekananda Kendra and Bharateeya Vichara Kendram, Thiruvananthapuram (Approved by MDS University, Ajmer).


Schedule of lectures (62 hrs.)

Concept of Yoga      |     2 hours / sessions
Definitions of Yoga from:
  • Rigveda, Kathopanishad, Shwetaswatara Upanishad
  • Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Vasistha
  • Etymological meanings
  • Yoga is one of the six systems of philosophy – its aim, place and role
Yama     |      2 hours / sessions
  • Importance of the five practices of yama in daily life
  • Meaning and understanding of the five sutras connected with Yama
  • Relevance of Yama in our present social behaviour
Niyama      |      2 hours / sessions
  • Importance of the five practices of Niyama in daily life
  • Meaning and understanding of the five sutras connected with Niyama
  • Relevance of Niyama in our personal social interactions
  • Yama and Niyamas as a foundation and preparation
Asana      |      2 hours / sessions
  • Concept and meaning of Asana
  • The three yoga sutras – 2 - 46,47,48
  • Differences between Asanas and Exercises
  • Asana as a spiritual practice
Pranayama    |        4 hours / sessions
  • The concept of Prana from Prashnopanishad – 2.13
  • Concept of pancha pranas from Prashnopanishad – 3.5,6,7
  • Names of upa-pranas
  • Etymological meaning of Pranayama
  • Yoga sutras connected with Pranayama – 1.34, 2.49,50,51
  • Theoretical explanations of Sectional breathing, Bhastrika, Nadishudhi, Shitali, Sheetkari, Sadanta, Ujjayi, Bhramari
Antaranga yoga     |       1 hour / session
  • Concept and importance of Antaranga yoga
  • Sutras connected with Antaranga yoga – 3.1,2,3,4
Jnana yoga      |      2 hours / sessions
  • Concept and introduction to Jnana yoga
  • The four Mahavakyas
  • Prerequisites / components – Shravanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyasana
  • Sadhana Chatustayam
Bhakti yoga      |      2 hours / sessions
  • Various aspects, concepts of Bhakti, Prema and Kama
  • Bhakti as a suffix – Mathru Bhakti, Pitru Bhakti .... Desha Bhakti
  • Mention about Narada Bhakti sutras and 12th chapter of Gita
  • The nine lakshanas / qualities – Shravanam, Keertanam. . .....
  • The moods of Bhakti – Vatsalya, Kanta . . . . . . .
Karma yoga            4 hours / sessions
  • What is Karma yoga – its importance on our daily life
  • Karma yoga – attitude, ability, efficiency in work
  • Nishkama karma, Nirahankarata – Unselfishness and egoless ness
  • Karma yoga shloka sangraha – meaning of 27 selected Gita shlokas - (Ch.- shloka no.) 2-51, 71. 3-4, 5, 6. 18-14, 23, 24, 25. 6-5. 18-26. 3-14,15. 3-7. 2-47, 48, 50. 18-46. 3-19, 20, 21, 25, 30. 4- 18, 20, 21, 23.
Man. Eknathji    |        1 hour / session
Life and message of Mananeeya Sri Eknath Ranadeji – The founder of Vivekananda Kendra and the spirit behind the construction of Vivekananda Rock Memorial
Kendra Prarthana     |       1 hour / session
The meaning and spirit of Vivekananda Kendra Prayer authored by Dr SB Warnekarji
Swami Vivekananda      |      2 hours / sessions
  • Life and Message of Swami Vivekananda
  • Swami Vivekananda’s Rousing call to the Hindu Nation
Indian Culture     |       4 hours / sessions
  • Components of Culture – View of life, Vision of life, system or way of life
  • Oneness is the uniqueness of Indian Culture
  • Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti
  • The four ashramas and four varnas – relevance and role in present life style
  • The five Maha Yajnas in our present social life
  • Dharma is the foundation for all our endeavours – the four purusharthas
  • Women, arts and science in Indian culture
  • Ramayana and Mahabharata as Indian cultural pillars
Cyclic Meditation     |       2 hours / sessions
  • Components and structure of Cyclic Meditation / Avarti Dhyan
  • The basis of Cyclic Meditation
  • Practices involved in Cyclic Meditation – Ardhaticakrasana, padahastasana, ardhacakrasana, shashankasana, ustrasana and shavasana
Trataka      |     3 hours / sessions
  • Anatomy physiology of the eye.
  • Importance of Trataka as a tool for meditation
  • Trataka as an eye exercise, its role in correcting defects of vision
  • Benefits and limitations of Trataka
  • Detailed understanding of jatru and jyoti tratakas
Anatomy & Phisiology     |       4 hours / sessions
  • The names of all the major systems – Musculur system, Skeletal system, Respiratory system, Cardio vascular system, Nervous system, Digestive system and Endocrine system.
  • Brief and basic understanding of the human systems
  • Video and PPTs are used as teaching aids.
Yoga Texts      |      4 hours / sessions
  • Patanjala yoga sutras – brief introduction to all the four padas.
  • Chanting practice of 44 selected yoga sutras – brief meaning
  • Hathapradipika – name and the contents of four upadeshas / lessons
  • Names and contents of Shiva Samhita, Gheranda Samhita, Vasistha Samhita
  • Names of some of the yogopanishads 
Bhagavad Gita      |      4 hours / sessions
  • Introduction to Bhagavad Gita – the background, chapters, group of chapters
  • Role and importance of Gita in our lives
  • Gita as a yoga sastra
  • Gita in daily life, as a solution to conflicts in life.
  • The message of Gita – to perform one’s duties for society and nation
  • Gita – national scripture of India
VRM      |      1 hour / session
  • The story of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial – the need, relevance and importance
  • Components of construction as a human resource management
VK Activities      |      1 hour / session
Various activities of Vivekananda Kendra as Man Making-Nation Building Organisation
Vivekananda Kendra Thought Movement     |     1 hour / session
The core idea, basis, origin and the philosophy of Vivekananda Kendra
Dharma       |     1 hour / session
  • What is Dharma? The concept and practice of Dharma.
  • Dharma is not just religion or tradition – Dharayati iti dharma
  • Sanatana Dharma, Vyasti dharma, Samasti Dharma
Kriyas      |      2 hours / sessions
  • The shat kriyas of the Hathapradipika
  • Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalabhati and Trataka
  • How to practice? What care to be taken, the role in yoga
  • Benefits and limitations of each one
Bandha & Mudras      |      2 hours / sessions
  • Reference of Bandhas and Mudras in Hathapradipika and Gheranda Samhita
  • Types of Bandhas and Mudras
  • Importance, role and purpose of Bandhas and Mudras
  • Details of simple Mudras practiced during pranayama practice
  • Chin mudra, Chinmaya mudra, Adi mudra, Brahma mudra, namaskara mudra, yoga mudra
Lesson Plan      |      1 hour / session
  • The eight step method of introducing a yoga practice
  • How to plan, execute and practical yoga class
Vedic Chanting     |       3 hours / sessions
  • Chanting practice of various Sanskrit shlokas used during the practice of yoga – Prayer, suryanamaskara bija mantras, Pranayama and dhyana mantras
  • Chanting practice of Anandavalli and Bhriguvalli
Qualities of a teacher      |      1 hours / sessions
  • The qualities a yoga teacher / instructor should have and develop
  • Attitude in handling a yoga class
  • Maintaining an appropriate relationship with the practioners
  • General rules in practicing yoga : food, dress, place, time etc....
Qualities of a teacher      |      1 hours / sessions
  • The qualities a yoga teacher / instructor should have and develop
  • Attitude in handling a yoga class
  • Maintaining an appropriate relationship with the practioners
  • General rules in practicing yoga : food, dress, place, time etc....


Shithilikarana Vyayama

  • Jogging – Backward / forward / Sideward / Mukha dhouti
  • Hands in and out breathing, Hands stretch breathing
  • Ankle stretch - breathing – slow and normal
  • Knee stretch, Waist loosening – Front / Back / Side / Twisting
  • Shoulder Rotations - Front / Back
  • Neck movements – front / back / side / rotation
  • Tiger breathing / stretch and Pavana Muktasana
  • Forward stretch in sitting, Thigh stretch , Waist loosening / front and back jump

Standing Asanas :-
Ardhakati Cakrasana , Padahastasana, Ardha Cakrasana, Tadasana
Trikonasana, Parivritta Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Vriskhasana

Sitting Asanas:-
Vajrasana, Shashankasana, Supta Vajrasana, Pascimatanasana
Ushtrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Vakrasana, Padmasana

Prone Asanas:-
Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Dhanurasana

Supine Asanas :-

Setubandhasana, Naukasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Cakrasana, Shavasana


  • Abdominal Breathing – Cin Mudra
  • Thoracic Breathing - Cinmaya Mudra
  • Clavicular Breathing – Adi Mudra

  • Bhastrika Pranayama, Nadisuddhi Pranayama
  • Surya Anuloma-Viloma , Candra Anuloma-Viloma
  • Surya Bhedana, Candra Bhedana, Nadi Shuddhi

Sitali, Sitkari, Sadanta and Bhramari

  • Kapalabhati – Both nostrils / Alternate nostril
  • Jala Neti, Sutra Neti
  • Vamana Dhouti, Danda Dhouti, Vastra Dhouti
  • Trataka : Jatru Trataka – Right / Left /both / upward / downward.
  • Jyoti Trataka – using traditional lamp and oil
  • Nauli / Agnisara.

  • Avarti Dhyana / Cyclic Meditation
  • Pranava Dhyana / Omkara Dhyana
  • Yoga Nidra
  Practice Hrs 
 Asanas 120 (40 x 3Hrs)
Kriya  6
 Jnana Yoga40 (Group discussions based on 2 books) 
 Bhakti Yoga / Chants80 (Bhajanas etc.)      
Karma Yoga 30 (Physical Work) 
 Theory 62
  Total YCC Courses in Hours 384 Hrs
  Examination 06 Hrs

At Kanyakumari

  • As the course duration is 6months, the first one month is residential
  • During this one month, there will be 2 examinations covering Theory portion.
  • During this one month, there will be 3 examinations covering Practical portion.
  • During this one month, candidates are given various Yoga related topics for submission of dissertation which carry 50marks. The length of the Dissertation is not less than 3000 words.
  • After the one month residential course candidates will return back and conduct 3 Non-residential Yoga Satras. Each Satra should contain a minimum of 15 participants. The duration of each Satra should be 10days.
  • Candidates should send a report of these Satras with the details of participants address, contact no. and few photographs/video clips.
  • These three Yoga Satras will carry total 100marks.
  • After the completion of the above Satras candidate will return to Kanyakumari for a Residential course and final Theory Examination. This helps to refresh, clarify, Theory & Practical aspects of handling Yoga Session.
  • To qualify for final Theory Examination & Certification, candidate has to secure minimum 250marks.
  • The final Theory Examination carries 100marks.
  • The total marks for the above are as below.
    Theory    : 3 x 100 = 300
    Practical : 3 x 100 = 300
    Dissertation :        =   50
    3 Yoga Satra :       = 100
    Total                  = 750
  • Certification carries along with mark-list separately. Passing Grades are allotted as below,
Above 80%  (601 and above)      =   A+
61% to 80% (451 to 600)              =   A
51% to 60% (376 to 450)              =   B+
40% to 50% (300 to 375)              =   B

  • For non-Residential courses conducted at various centres of Vivekananda Kendra, candidates have to come to Kanyakumari for a 15 days Residential Shibir for Final Examination.
  • The Certificate issued will carry Bharatiya Vichara Kendram Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, which is approved Research Center by MDS University, Ajmer.
  • Vivekananda Kendra is a Member institution of Indian Yoga Association.
  • For candidates having convincing reasons, another six months grace period is allowed for Final Examination.